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Ethical Interfaith

Elsa of Ethical Interfaith

Universal Ethics Youtube Video

Interview Questions

I'm interviewing people from various faith traditions - from very traditional to spiritual to atheist (which is as much a faith as anything else). The focus: ethics, faith, and interfaith. The questions:

- the ethics they grew up with and how this tied with (or didn't) any religion, faith, spirituality, they were connected to;

- their evolving ethical and religious/spiritual/faith/non-faith beliefs, awarenesses, practices;

- their experiences, and how these contributed to their ethics and faith;

- the evolving ways they live their ethics in relation to their religious/spiritual side - from strong connection to no connection;

- OR the evolving way they live their ethics without a spiritual/religious side to their lives;

- their evolving attitude to, understanding of, and knowledge of their faith of origin, and (if different) other faiths they have belonged to, as well as their current faith;

- their evolving attitude to, understanding of, and knowledge of other faiths;

- their thoughts about interfaith,

- their experiences of interfaith connection, both formally within a group and informally;

- views on addressing ethics in an interfaith context;

- their understanding of the important of addressing ethics, perhaps especially differences in ethics;

- views on dealing with current religious persecution in an interfaith group where there are members of the perpetrating and victimized groups;

- ways of exploring different understandings and experiences of the non5sense universe (god, universal flow, god within us, life after death, heaven and hell, reincarnation, paradise on earth);

- great discoveries linked to ethics, faith, interfaith;

- disturbing discoveries linked to ethics, faith, interfaith;

- evolving responses to the great discoveries;

- evolving responses to the disturbing discoveries;

- their current position re their own faith and ethics;

- their current position re other faiths, and other ethical positions;

- their current thoughts on interfaith - especially on how to make this open, candid and ethical (vs so careful that one does not address difficult issues, such as sometimes different and incompatible ethics);

- vision for the future.


My general position is that we have the right to flourish (emotionally, intellectually, spiritually) and so ethics need to enable this flourishing. For example, safety, peace, freedom are conducive to flourishing. Coercion, terror and silence are not.

I am also for the safe exploration of our spiritualities - something that can be looked at apart from ethics. The focus of this interview series is primarily our ethics, as this links to our religious/spiritual faith.

To go from these questions
on faith, ethics and interfaith dialogue,
to the home page of Ethical Interfaith,
click here.

To go from these questions
on faith, ethics and interfaith dialogue,
to the home page of Ethical Interfaith,
click here.

Interfaith Dialogue Questions
on religious beliefs,
religious tolerance and persecution,
religion and morality, ethics and religion,
how to compare religions.

interfaith dialogue, religious tolerance,
religion and morality, ethics and religion,
compare religions, critical thinking

Elsa of Ethical Interfaith

Universal Ethics Youtube Video



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Ethical Interfaith

Ethical Interfaith
Is Not ...

Reality-Based Ethics:
Universal Ethics,
Universal Human Rights

for interviewees

contact Elsa Schieder, Keynote Speaker, Media Interviews


My Personal

Ethical Interfaith
dedicated to the
open, candid, truthful
and respectful
exploration of:

- the ethics of
different faiths,
both from religious texts
and as these are lived,

- our personal ethics
and how these relate
(or not) to our faith,

- what is at the core
of ethics,
the things we need
to flourish.


Interfaith Dialogue Questions
on religious beliefs,
religious tolerance and persecution,
religion and morality, ethics and religion,
how to compare religions.

To go from these questions on
faith, ethics and interfaith dialogue,
to the home page of Ethical Interfaith,
click here.


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Elsa Schieder
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